Thursday, June 4, 2015

“Made you look”

"In memory of  fallen heroes who fought for a free and
democratic Czechoslovak Republic"
I was walking into the Praha Masarykovo nádraží train station, a regional train station near Náměstí Republiky in Prague, when I stopped to photograph the war memorial inside. Although near many of the historical sites of the city, very few tourists enter the station because it only serves regional destinations. A grandmother, mother and girl of about twelve were walking behind me into the station. Given the light and the angles, it was a difficult monument to photograph. The young girl looked to see what I was studying and photographing. She soon became transfixed and stared at the monument, reading the text that I could not understand and would have to translate later. Her mother, who walked ahead not paying in attention to memorial, realized that she was not there and called after her. The girl looked at her mother, but did not budge. The mother soon came back to retrieve her. But before she would go the girl pointed and asked questions in a low voice. I moved on; but I knew photographing a little noticed monument had spark an interest of a girl in Prague.

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