Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Falls Road Library

The Falls Road Branch Library is one of the three Carnegie Libraries in Belfast. Built between 1905 and 1908, the library is located in one of the most famous areas of Belfast, known as a particular stronghold for Nationalists during “the Troubles.” In fact, from the windows of the adult section of the library, you can see the Bobby Sands memorial painted on the side of Sinn Fein’s headquarters.
Inside the library is a small, but thoroughly modern, collection. One can still observe the original tile work and wood finishes peeking through recent renovations. About half of the floor space is allotted to children’s books; the adult section has a number of books on Irish interests and history.
The library walls contain a number of quotes from Seamus Heaney; however, a translation by him of a ninth century poem is appropriately quixotic:

The small bird chirp – chirruped
Yellow neb; a note spurt.
Blackbird over Lagan water
Clumps of yellow whine – burst!
(“Blackbird of Belfast Lough”)

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