Coco, Lucie, and Pip in front of the fire (January 2022) |
It is hard to imagine our lives without Lucie, Pip, and
Coco. Since they came home with us, a little under four years ago, each of them
has found a niche in our house. They all have their “jobs” and idiosyncrasies. Pip
likes to join me in the office in the mornings for a little work before
breakfast, while Lucie supervises Angie’s yoga sessions. Coco is quick to
remind us to keep their food dish full, even if there is quite a bit left. All enjoying
helping Angie work on jigsaw puzzles, although it is amazing that each of her puzzle
seem to come up a few pieces short upon completion.
Supervising the puzzle |
The cats take turns watching television with us, but Coco especially loves watching hockey. That is literally true. While Pip will fall asleep on the back
of the couch, Coco watches the television, especially hockey. She seems to
have a special affinity for Jay Caulfield, the analyst during Penguins intermissions.
When she hears his voice, she sits and becomes very focused. When Caulfield
uses a telestrator to diagram plays on the screen, Coco begins to talk back, apparently
offering counter analysis. Finally, as he is drawing lines and arrows, she jumps up and tries to offer her own suggestions.
Coco watching hockey with dad |
As I am fond of telling them, the three are among the
luckiest and most spoiled kittens I know. They spent a lot of time this summer
on the back porch in their Octagon, watching birds and squirrels while napping.
And in the winter, they spend warm cuddly nights, in their baskets, in front of
the fireplace. Toys are scattered throughout the house, and moving a couch,
stove, or refrigerator reveals a ton of other that have been forgotten. Yes, we
continue to call them kittens despite arriving at the age of four year.
Lucie enjoying some (supervised) outdoor time on the porch |
The last year has not been without worries. In late
February, we began noticing Pip was squinting often. After several visit to our
local vet, and then a couple of visits to an animal ophthalmologist in suburban
DC, Pip was diagnosed with a herpes virus that he likely inherited from his
mother. Although his eyes look bad from time to time, he does not seem to be in
pain. Coco scared us in recent weeks with what was apparently a passed kidney
stone. Although she was having trouble, Coco never seemed to feel bad and
continued to be the sweet girl she is.
Coco closely guarding her mouse |
This year was one in which the cats had three vacations. Traveling
with their human parents can be stressful, but once they arrive each seem to
enjoy the change of scenery. During the summer, we returned to Skaneateles, New
York for a week away. Although it is a long four-plus hour ride, they tolerated
their crate and settled right into our apartment for a week. They did so well,
we are planning for a two-week trip this coming summer. About ten days after I
received my second vaccination, and two weeks after Angie’s, the clowder made
their first trip to Delaware, specifically Rehoboth Beach. Although from their perspective,
Rehoboth is nothing more than a studio apartment hotel room without a particularly
good view. Nevertheless, they enjoyed it so much, Lucie, Pip, and Coco made a
return visit to Rehoboth in December for a pre-Christmas getaway.
Pip enjoying Delaware, in a hotel room (April 2021) |
Coco finding new places to explore in Skaneateles (June 2021) |
In May, after receiving our vaccines, Angie and I got to
see Mackie in Florida, the uncle to the clowder who have yet to meet him.
Shadow continues comes to the backdoor to have a little treat most mornings. Recently,
there has been quite a bit of snow and ice on the ground, so we did not see him
for a while. Last week, he appeared wanting some food and there was much
rejoicing among our cats, happy to see their old buddy. We occasionally hear
from, and receive a picture from Myrtle, our friend who stayed with us for a
few weeks while se was trying to find a home a few years ago. Our network of cat
friends remains, thankfully, well.
Coco trying figure out dad's shelfing system (April 2021) |
Lucie napping in the office (April 2021) |
Lucie and Coco napping (May 2021) |
Relaxing while in Skaneateles (June 2021) |
Lucie and Pip, back in Rehoboth (December 2021) |
Coco tuning up our Christmas tree on New Years Day |
Coco demanding my attention while, at the same time, stepping on the delete key as I am writing (January 2022) |
This photo of Pip was taken in January 2022 although it could be from any month from this past year. Pip comes to the office, while I am writing each morning and curls up to sleep in the office chair next to mine. I have dozens of photographs that look the same because this is him nearly every day. |
Our buddy, the neighborhood cat Shadow, who is getting along in years but visits daily when the weather is good. In the upper right hand corner you can distinctly see Coco's face. She seems most enamored with Shadow. and consequently we refer to him as her boyfriend. |
The good boy Uncle Mackie, who came to see us in May at Beau's house in Montbrook. |
Myrtle, who when she stayed with us was known as Jenny (October 2021) |
Coco is a big cat, and when she stretches our can take up a lot of room in the bed. Although at times we think she wants to be an only cat, she probably misses us the most when we are gone. |