Thursday, June 16, 2022

Seth Valley Cafe


The café is a comfortable little place with limited indoor and outdoor seating for a coffee or ice cream, or in my case for waiting out a passing rain shower. Not only does the café cater to people who walk on the trail, many locals meet there for socialization and conversation. People greeted one another happily As I sat outside watching the rain and nursing my americano, a man wobbled by to his personal motorized vehicle mumbling. I was unsure if his vocalizations were directed at me, or it was just a verbalized internal monologue. I continued to stare at the rain.

Seated below a bird box that I took for a decoration, “Home Sweet Home” painted in baby blue letters across the front, peeps began to emanate from hungry babies. Was my chosen location a deterrent to chicks getting their food? Did the people and dogs that frequented the café pose a threat to the mother bird? There were periods of quiet, which I assume meant feeding was occurring. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a small bird, darting away from the nest. Any concerns I might have had were allayed.

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