Thursday, June 9, 2022

The Streets of Midleton


McSweeney Terrace (Midleton) 

Walking down the main street of small Irish towns, one of the things I admire is the sense of community. The center of town is the center of community. Midleton is a good example. Listening to the people converse with one another, catching pieces of catching up on the welfare of their kids or parents, or where they might be going on holiday, as they meet each on the street is a fun experience. The center (i.e., centre) of town is bustling and there is a good chance that one might run into someone who know if you live there.

In the neighborhoods, there is still a sense of what once was. Terraces and religious statues and shrines still dot the small and large towns of Ireland. Even though there is a need for more housing in Ireland, typically towns do not tear down houses and start anew. Homes are refurbished and updated, still linking communities to the past. As the population of Ireland grows, however, that might change.

Our Lady of Lourdes (Midleton) 

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