Friday, June 10, 2022

Coming Back to Kindred Spirits

 After walking in Ballyannan Wood for a couple of hours, the weather had turned decidedly nicer. The sun was out, there was, for Ireland, a great deal of blue sky. I wanted to stop off and rephotograph Kindred Spirits. I adjusted my camera, made sure to get the lighting right, and noticed in my viewfinder that someone had hung a hat on the sculpture. I took a couple of shots, debating whether to remove the hat for another series of shots. I walked up to find that it was a hat from the Blackfeet Nation. I was stunned, why had I not seen that before? I look back through my photos; it was not there when I came in the morning. Someone had put it there in the two hours or so while I was walking. A coincidence no doubt, but it did give me a strange sensation.

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