Sunday, June 13, 2021

Dickens Quote

 [Honeythunder’s] “philanthropy was of that gunpowderous sort, that the difference between it and animosity was hard to determine. You were to abolish military force, but first you were to bring all commanding officers who had done their duty to trial by court-marital for that offence, and shoot them. You were to abolish war, but were to make converts by making war upon them, and charging them with loving war as the apple of their eye. You were to have universal concord, and were to get it by eliminating all the people who wouldn’t, or conscientiously couldn’t, be concordant. You were to love your brother as yourself, but after an indefinite interval of maligning him (very much as if you hated him), and calling him all manner of name. Above all things, you were to do nothing in private, or on your own account.”

- The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Chapter 6 

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