Monday, December 29, 2014

Experiencing Hobart

Traveling is often not about a destination; in fact, it may be the least important part of a journey.  What is far more important are the experiences and interactions we have along the way. More so than many of my trips, the interactions in Hobart were significant and personal. While there are several significant sites seen and observed, these are not what will remain in my memory. Instead, spending time in suburban homes, enjoying good meals and better conversations, having a go at backyard cricket, and sitting at cafés and restaurants talking, laughing and sharing stories will be my primary memories. It was not my intent to travel to Tasmania to hold a four-day old baby, but how lucky am I to have that among my catalog of experiences? When I reread this brief entry in the future, it will help me to remember a conversation in which a five-year old friend described the intricacies his new Christmas toy, a Gup X, based upon the children’s television series The Octonauts. His fascinated cousins looked on as he described all the sea creatures that could be rescued by the Gup X vehicle.

Traveling and meeting new people turn mundane events into fond memories and important experiences. Our lives are richer because of them. 

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