Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cats in Our Midst - Shop Cats

Miss Kitty

In Shepherdstown, West Virginia, Miss Kitty oversees an eclectic shop called Creative Distractions and Whimsical Necessities. We met her human on the street, shortly after the shop opened, and found out that Miss Kitty loves to pose for visitors; however, refuses to sit still for any photographs by the owner of the shop. Despite knowing that her food comes from her human, I think that Miss Kitty appreciates that the money for that food is based on the customers visiting the shop. 

Dr. Pickles has one of the best lives a feline can have. He is the shop cat for The Book Trader, a used bookstore in Philadelphia. The bookstore, open since 1975, inhabits a building in the Old City section of the city not far from the river. In addition to having access to a shop with narrow aisle constructed of shelves stuffed with books, videos and movies that offer ample hideaways for a nap, it also is good place to meet sedate humans interested in browsing the shelves. I wondered if there was a side job of controlling the mouse population in the building, but Dr. Pickles was not saying. Recently, the bookstore has begun printing cards of the cats available for purchase. I suspect that the endeavor helps to support feline employee’s food supply; so, of course, I purchased one. 
Dr. Pickles showing me where his food is kept (just in case)

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