Thursday, August 10, 2017

Raspberry Picking

I was walking on the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail early in July, when I happened upon a young Mennonite girl of about eight years and her younger brother, who was no more than five. On my way out, I passed the two riding their bike. She was wearing a green patterned dress, her long blond hair in two braided pigtails; her brother, in suspenders and a hat that covered his shortly cropped blond hair.  We exchanged brief greetings as we passed and I noticed, as unobtrusively as possible that the little guy was unsure of his bike and working very hard to keep up with his sister.

On my return trip, I saw their bikes parked near a small path that ran off the trail. As I neared area, the girl appeared with a big smile on her face, carrying an empty plastic tub. I asked if she were picking raspberries, and she replied, “Yep, if we can find ‘em!” Given their empty container, and her brother’s mischievous grin, they had found the raspberries, they just never made it to the pail. 

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