Saturday, June 1, 2013

Churches in Brugge

Bruges (or Brugge in Flemish) is famous for its medieval architecture, especially its churches. Among the more famous the Church of Our Lady has one of the few sculptures of Michelangelo that is housed outside of Italy; the Basilica of the Holy Blood, which regularly features a veneration of the relic that is said to be the blood of Jesus, is very popular among tourists. What peaks my curiosity is some of the other churches in Bruges that are not as popular among tourists. Many have interesting architecture and even more beautiful artwork inside. It is disappointing when some of these so-called minor churches are not open to travelers. The lack of access only fuels my interest.

Unidentified Church in Bruges
On a recent trip to Bruges I found this church, on Nieuwe Gentweg, which appears to be abandoned and in disuse. Despite some initial investigations, I have been unable to identify the name of the church or any other information. While it appears to be of some interest in terms of architecture, it is far enough off the tourist path it probably did not benefit from regular donations from those wandering in. The simple stained glass windows and declining state of repair beckoned me to further investigation. It appears that the church has been empty for some time now, and cracked window panes and boarded up doors lend an air of decline. Sadly, for now, my curiosity goes unfulfilled. 

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