Friday, April 12, 2019

Clouse Road

Early April brings warmer weather on the CVRT; it is a time for the reemergence of life. Baby goats not much bigger than Pip have appeared at Ott Road near Clouse. A very pregnant cat comes to greet me while I am walking. Rather than being timid, she rolls over and demands that I scratch the back of her head. I suspect that she things I might have a little food for her as well. As I go to continue my walk, she tries to keep up with me. I gently explain, “You’re a good girl but you’re not going home with me.” I outpace her and she cannot keep up. Nevertheless, she is waiting for me on my return trip desirous of a couple more scratches behind the ears.
As I am walking, I watch a Mennonite girl, approximately five years-old pulling a cardboard box with a rope attached as if it were a wagon. I try not to stare, just glancing as I pass. She made big circles, laughing with great joy at her own imagination, as her busy father avoids her path on his way back to the barn. Much like with my own cats, there is great pleasure in an unattended box, it lets our imagination take over.

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