Saturday, December 1, 2018


The smallest things can make me contemplate the randomness of life while I am walking. I espied a black walnut, stuck between the branches and the trunk of a small sapling. I think about the odds of a walnut dropping from a tree above, in a way that would be just right so that it would get caught on a rather small tree. Given how many trees there are in Pennsylvania, it is probably not so odd that this type of thing would happen at some point. But I wonder about the odds of me seeing this; of it happening so close to a trail where people might observe the phenomenon. I always wonder why so few deer while walking; and, I never see any foxes. A difference of ten minutes, earlier or later, might change what animals, people or other things I might see and experience during my walks. Often it is just random what we observe, and who we meet, in life. Of course, someone might have placed that walnut in the tree too. Then, it is not random.

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