Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Shopping in Dundee?

Navigating the pedestrian traffic in Edinburgh during rush hour can be challenging. Walking on North Bridge early one evening, I found myself behind two elderly women, each wearing rain coats, knee-length skirts, and scarves to protect their white hair, coiffed by an old-style permanent. I was enjoying the banter between the two about the best bus to take to Dundee, apparently there is good shopping there, when one of the women noticed me and apologized for being so slow. Although I indicated that I was in no hurry, she moved and stopped to let me pass. Meanwhile, her companion continued on blithely about buses and shopping, until she glanced to see that her companion was no longer beside her and then turned to see me. She soon joined the chorus of apologies. I was quite happy to walk behind, and ease drop on the conversation, but felt obliged to pass.

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