Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The imbiss at Olivaerplatz

It is a simple snack, or a quick lunch for me while in Berlin: roast bratwurst on a hard roll (Rostbratwurst im brot). It is good, easy and relatively inexpensive. The bratwurst served in Berlin is much longer and not quite as thick as those served in America. Both sides of the sausage hang temptingly out both sides of the fist-sized bun. It is almost if it demands that you eat both ends before you have any of the bread.
Curry uwe
Curry uwe imbiss is an unassuming place at the edge of Olivaerplatz, a square that commemorates the Treaty of Oliva of 1660 ending the Northern War (1655-60). It is small, about the size of a food truck but looks as if it has been there for decades. Eating there means that one must stand at one of the three tables precariously covered by a tent-awning, or in the elements at one of the two small tables in the back. The two tables in back are usually frequented by older people who appear to be regulars. Whoever is working at the imbiss, when not busy, can be found having a smoke and/or chat with those sitting at the table. The conversation is usually convivial.

Plaque commemorating the Peace of Oliva
On days when it is nice I usually take my bratwurst, with a good helping of mustard (senf), further into the square. Olivaerplatz today is a park that has flower gardens and park benches. On a cool afternoon in May I sat at a bench quite some distance from the imbiss and began to eat. Almost immediately a small sparrow appeared at my feet begging for food. I took another bite and was startled when my new acquaintance tried to land on my knee. I wanted to see if the sparrow would land on my knee, but I did not want my entire bratwurst sandwich to become the sparrow’s lunch. I broke off a small piece of bread and threw it to the ground. The sparrow hopped to it right away, struggled with it and then flew off. I was hoping to entice my friend to land on my knee with a second piece of bread, but alas the one piece of bread was enough of a meal.

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