Sunday, June 18, 2023

Off the Rails Coffee Shop, adjacent to Queen Street Station (Glasgow)


A pleasant place to have a coffee while waiting for a train to the next destination. It has the aesthetic of a 1940s-1950s American coffeeshop, albeit with a heavy emphasis on British teas and treats. I enjoyed watching people walking in, having a coffee, perhaps a pastry, a check of their phone, or meeting someone before a journey. From Queen Street Station, trips can be a few minutes or several hours and this small coffee shop is where many of us are preparing for the day. As people get a takeaway coffee, or a sandwich, a woman next to me has a text conversation that brings a big smile to her face, maybe a grandchild or a long-lost friend. An elderly couple wander in, needing directions for how and what to order, as well as some assistance navigating the train system. There is communal help for the confused travelers before we all move on to our next task or adventure.

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