Friday, March 11, 2022

In the elevator


I got in the elevator, going for a cup of coffee, at the conference hotel. Already in the car was a fellow conference attendee. As I stepped in and confirmed that the car was going to the lobby, I noted it was obvious that he had not zipped up his pants before leaving his room. It was embarrassing, and there were only eight floors to bring the situation to his attention. My shyness wanted to avoid the whole situation; it was very awkward. There are many ways to politely call this to a male’s attention. In my mother’s family, if someone started singing, “Don’t let the stars get in your eyes…” all the boys knew to check their flies. In the Pittsburgh area, one only need ask, “Is Kennywood open?” Kennywood being the amusement park in Pittsburgh that has been open since the late nineteenth century. But those references are culturally and regionally based and would likely not work in this instance. As the elevator car reached the third floor, I looked straight ahead and said, “I’m sorry, but your fly is unzipped.” He reached to zip it up, sighing “Geez.” He thanked me, and I again apologized.  His reply was kind: “You have nothing to apologize for, you have saved me from a great deal of embarrassment.”

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