Saturday, February 6, 2021

Nor’easter February 2021

The cedar on Pin Oak
During the first few days of February, a powerful nor’easter tracked through Pennsylvania, up through New York, and into New England. Central Pennsylvania was hit particularly hard because of the merging of a Midwest storm system with the one tracking up the coastline. In Shippensburg, the total snowfall amount came in at about 14 inches (35 centimeters). Under normal circumstances, we would have all rejoiced at the prospect of a snow day; however, although most people stayed in, the pandemic has already curtailed most of our travel.

I had bought myself snowshoes for Christmas, and this was my first chance to try them out. As the storm was in its initial phase on Monday, my first walk was around the neighborhood. The next day, after the roads had been plowed, I took them to Shippensburg Township Park to walk a little bit on the Rail Trail. Prior the storm, I made sure to fill the bird feeder but afterwards the snowshoes were helpful in filling the birdfeeders in the backyard each day.

A white-throated sparrow during the storm

Briarcliffe Drive

A hawk, waiting out the storm. It was probably the
Cooper's Hawk I often see around the neighborhood

Dark-eyed junco

The statue in the center of town

One of my neighbors who normally says "hi" during my walks

Snowshoeing on the CVRT

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