Saturday, September 30, 2017

Early Fall, along US Route 13

The wonderful part of living in the mid-Atlantic is that during September and October the weather is incredible.  There is a great propensity of crystal blue skies, the temperature is either cool with a warm sun or warm with a cool breeze, and long shadows are a harbinger of the coming autumn. It is not uncommon to find roadside stands offering travelers pumpkins, mums, and corn mazes for entertainment.

We were traveling north on US Route 13 in Delaware. Angie, ever watchful for interesting things for us to explore, saw a sign, along the highway, for the Christian Church of Seafood. My mind started considering the interesting dogmatic contortions of theology that might be associated with such a congregation. I was beginning to consider scenarios such as the church was founded by fishermen; or, more bizarrely, a sacrament involved some edible piscatory items, perhaps involving five loaves of bread. That was, until I realized that we were in the town of Seaford, Delaware, and Angie had misread the sign, a mistake I usually make. 

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