Friday, April 7, 2017

Morgantown at nine

Abandoned tractor trailer in Kroger's parking lot (Morgantown)
About 9pm, at a Kroger’s on the outskirts of Morgantown, West Virginia, I contemplated whether I was witnessing the near future of the American dream. Two young men, emerged from the grocery: one was intently following the enticing display of his smart phone, the other was carrying a case of Hamm’s beer and a dozen ice-glazed cookies. No doubt a Thursday night of fun. A few feet behind them was a middle-age couple, both of whom looked haggard, with glassy eyes and a slight slouch; looking older than their actual years perhaps. The appearance of the couple made me wonder: Was the effect of the opiate epidemic in rural America or is this the long-term impact of economic deprivation?

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