Yellow-bellied sapsucker |
Going for a walk in the
afternoon and I heard an unfamiliar bird call. I opened my birding app and
grabbed my camera off the backseat. The app identified a yellow-bellied sapsucker,
a bird that I had never identified along the CVRT. Its call, repeated and loud,
sounded like a lonely soul desperately searching for others. Scanning the
nearby trees at the intersection of Clouse and Ott Roads, the sapsucker was
working the high branches of the trees between the trail and the road.
Intermittently, two red-bellied woodpeckers took turns trying to drive the
sapsucker away. I stayed and watched for a few minutes, taking a few
photographs as it furtively moved between branches. My timing was fortuitous, I
wandered away for five minutes so as not to spook the bird too much. When I
returned no birds, sapsuckers or woodpeckers, remained.